Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Way To True Prosperity (1) - Using Linear Income


In my 34 years in paid employment, I have truly discovered that no amount of linear income (such as salary or profit from one source of business) will by itself, lead to true prosperity. This is because demands for the uses of such a limited resource always far outweighs the supply which will only come thereafter by way of annual increases and bonuses.

What however, will lead to prosperity is how wise we are able to determine where to channel the meagre income. Naturally our incomes go into three, no, four categories of expenditure headings.

1. God (tithes, offerings etc)

2. Investments (buying and selling, shares, real

estate, talent development, etc

3. wasteful expenses such as (feeding and paying

all sorts of, purchase of cars, phones, televisions,

radio sets, etc

4. semi-wasteful (such as charity etc)

What distinguishes the four headings above is that the first, if the investor so believes, yields bountiful results because God does not forsake His own people.

As we honour Him with our substance, so (whether we believe it or not), He blesses us the more.

The second one (investment) goes further to reproduce more money while the remaining two go for ever!).

The third one goes for ever while the fourth category may produce wealth in return but it does not cometo us directly. It goes to whoever we invest such monies upon and they are not bound to show appreciation by way of giving us back anything - not even ordinary thank you'.

Of all these expenditure categories, only the first and second have direct and immediate propensity to yield direct returns to their investors in return for their investment. They are like a seed planted so as to produce greater harvests. Yet they are the difficult portions of our linear income to set aside! Why? This is because our wasteful expenditures are always far outweighing our limited income.

It is therefore important that we spend more on the first and the second categories if we truly want to prosper. Because they will go forth to indirectly boost our financial bases and help us tremendously when we are too old to work.

How do we do this? It is simple. Invest consistently in such items as:

1. Education (keep on improving your education. It will build your intellectual capacity and expose you to greater opportunities in life).

2. Business ventures (buying and selling, shares, real estate, internet marketing, pepper-soup joints,etc)

3. Your Talents (whatever gifts God has given you e.g. writing, speaking, ministering, singing,counselling, teaching, etc) please invest in them ceaselessly until they pay back all you have

invested in them with multiple-fold profits. They are there for the purposes of prospering you, don't let them go until they have blessed you. Maybe you don't know, your talent(s) represent one of the best ways to glorify God, benefit yourself and mankind effortlessly and yet get paid for it!

I therefore urge you my readers to review your life today and locate where you are and adjust towards Investing for true prosperity.

If you find this article useful, please circulate it to your working-class friends and encourage them tocirculate it amongst their own friends too.  (To be continued)

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